Our Ministries

Giving back to the community is a huge part of who we are. It also helps us make sure we're meeting our church's mission of "Loving God and Loving Others" taken straight from the words of Jesus. So that's why we offer chances for our members to take their faith and put it into practice. We're super excited about the partners and opportunities we've put together so you can serve outside our church, but we've got a lot of things you can get involved in right here too. If you're interested in hearing more, feel free to give us a call, fill out the form below, or come and talk to us in person at our next gathering. 

adult Sunday School
Sundays at 9:45am

Our weekly classes offer a chance to learn more about the bible and meet new friends. Whether, you want to go in depth into the bible, or you're just getting started with church, we've got a class with a comfortable experience waiting for you.

Women's Bible study
monday evening 6:30pm

A chance for women to come together and discuss life, religion, and women specific issues, this group is a great place to find a place to belong—a group for women doing life together.



Nazarene Missions International

The missions based arm of the Nazarene church, they work through prayer, giving, discipling, and education. As Nazarenes, our church is involved in directly supporting their work, but there are many other opportunities to get involved and serve with them.

 Wednesday night bible study 6:30pm

A mid week gathering for an in depth study on topics like discipleship, community, and following Jesus with more passion.


Our Partners

Volunteer with us

If you would like to volunteer with us, fill out the form below and one of our staff members will get back to you.